The Dhaka Times
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Shakib, the popular actor of this generation, wants Brazil-Argentina to play in the final

The Dhaka Times Desk Shakib Khan is a popular actor today. Actor Shakib, who is known as the heartthrob hero of the country's teenagers, wants Brazil and Argentina to play in the final of this year's World Cup.

Shakib khan

Shakib thinks that if these two teams play, the audience of all classes of Bangladesh will be happy. Although a part has to be discouraged due to loss. The game will be lost. Nevertheless, at the same time, all the spectators of Bangladesh will watch the game with great enthusiasm.

Shakib told the media, 'I was a supporter of Brazil. I have become a fan of Argentina. Looking at Messi's game, it seems that he will leave the field with the Golden Boot.' Shakib also said, 'He has magic in his legs. Once you get the ball on your feet, that's it. He leaves the opponent with a snack.'

Brazil - Argentina-2

Shakib said, 'I will support Germany and Brazil in today's game. Zamarni's long passing game impressed me. The whole team has a lot of energy.'

Shakib also said, 'There is nothing new to say about Brazil! Neymar alone had a hundred. But today, even if Neymar is not there, they will play very well. Shakib said, 'I want Brazil and Argentina to play the final.

Brazil - Argentina-3

Shakib said, 'I am a little worried about Brazil and Argentina. I like both teams. Actually I can't think who can be supported in the final. I will take the decision the same day. But I really want these two teams Brazil and Argentina to reach the final.

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