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All these reasons Android L is more convenient than Apple iOS

The Dhaka Times Desk Tech giant Google announced Android L, the next version of the Android operating system, at the recently held Google Developers Conference. Compared to the previous versions, the new version has added many features. This new operating system will be available for users by the end of this year. Today we will present to the readers of The Dhaka Times why using Android L is more convenient than Apple iOS.

Android L

New user interface

Google calls it Universal Interface. Because this user interface is compatible with all devices. The Android L version has brought many changes to the user interface. It uses more white space in animations, shadows and apps. Besides, home, back and multitasking keys will be displayed in the form of circles and triangles. Google has tried to make the new version easier and more user-friendly.

3D multitasking

Today is the era of 3D technology. So Google's new operating system will not be left behind. It has changed the multitasking menu. The three-dimensional image can be seen in the multitasking menu. A unique combination of shadow and height can be seen in this menu.


64 bit CPU support

Google's Android L operating system will support 64-bit processors. Earlier Apple brought this technology in their operating system iOS. So to compete with Apple, Google is bringing 64 bit supported operating system. As 64-bit processors are supported, users can enjoy the full benefits of RAM.

The app will run dynamically

Android always tries to make the new version faster than the previous version. The same has been done in the Android L operating system. The app will run more dynamically than the previous version. Also Android Runtime is being used instead of Dalvik Runtime.


Improved graphics

The Android L version has a lot of graphics improvements for smartphone game fans. The new version tries to use advanced computer-like graphics. No games will lag as a result of improved graphics. The game can be played more dynamically. Along with good quality video, the content will be displayed more beautifully. Paper design in mailbox and floating design of app icons will impress you more.


Improved battery life

Android operating system users always complain that the charge drains quickly. So battery life has been improved in Android L. Each application is specially optimized, so that the charge drains less.

Enhanced security

Security is a big issue for any device. Hence, security is emphasized in the Android L operating system. Security has also been beefed up in the Google Play Store. SSL security is also ensured. Several security flaws in the previous version have also been fixed to prevent data from being hacked.

Reference: Times of India

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