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But what is the secret behind Shakib's ban?

The Dhaka Times Desk Last Monday, the world's best cricket all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan was banned from domestic and international cricket for six months by the BCB. But behind this ban is an online portal The search revealed another mystery.


Besides being banned for 6 months, Shakib Al Hasan will not be given a no-objection letter (NOC) to play in any foreign league till December 31, 2015. From now on, BCB's permission is required to take part in any kind of commercial activities including advertisement shooting.

Also, BCB has said that from now on, if Shakib wants to work in any commercial image, he will have to take BCB's permission in advance. And if Shakib breaks any of these rules, he will be banned for life.

However, after analyzing the details of this unforgettable and unprecedented incident of Bangladesh cricket last Monday, it can be seen that BCB's punishment of Shakib is much more personal than cricket. And this personal issue came up as a lot of anger when BCB president and ruling party MP Nazmul Hasan Papon was briefing reporters about Shakib in a press conference. While talking about Shakib, Papon was repeatedly addressing Shakib as Tu Takari and O, O. Which seemed to be an expression of personal anger. At that time, Papon's posture showed the self-satisfaction of seeking revenge.

Papon once said, 'The accusations I heard against many...were so inhuman that many of us became emotional. How can a man do that!

Now people's question is whether Shakib has done something that can be considered inhumane on the cricket field or outside the field? Where is the relationship between humanity and inhumanity with the game?

Papon also said 'can not be allowed to grow'? This topic seems like a movie dialogue to everyone.

On the other hand, Papon did not say anything, but the reason why the board officials were unhappy behind Shakib, he told the reporters while watching the first match of the three-match one-day series between India and Bangladesh, that Shakib's wife Umm Ahmed Shishir was being teased about what happened. fragment

What happened that day in the gallery? Shakib's wife was eve-teased by four youngsters who had come to watch the game sitting in the VIP grandstand. Shakib rushed to take care of his wife after learning about the abuse. He killed a criminal on the spot. All-rounder Sakib also filed a case against four criminals in this incident.

Again, let's find out what is the real story behind the clock?

If everyone plays, you will see that despite being the BCB president, Papon did not take into account the incident of insulting the wife of a cricketer of the country, he only took into account Shakib's hands on the Evtizers. However, as the head of the country's cricket organization, if there is a threat to the cricketer's family on the field or outside the field, the board should be aware of it. But the BCB president wanted to suppress the crime of a heinous eveteaser.

On the other hand, Papon said that Shakib's going to the gallery at that time and going to protect his wife from the oppression of 'a boy' is 'boldness' in Papon's eyes! And this audacity "can not be tolerated" is the determination of the BCB chief!

In fact, we are the main story behind this incident That online portal According to the investigation, I presented for you -

“All four youths involved in abusing Shakib's wife allegedly belong to elite families. One of them, Rahid Rahman (23), was arrested by the police at around 10:30 pm on June 18 from his house in Banani, an elite area of the capital.

Even though the arrested young man is involved in criminal offenses like Evtijing, he belongs to a noble family. his Father Bazlur Rahman is a prominent businessman of the country.

Besides, the other three Evtizers are also children of elite families. One of them is elected from Chittagong The son of a government MP.

Incidentally these elite teasers One's father is a friend of BCB chief Papon. Evtizer's father is also a director of the club for which Papon became the BCB president as a sports organizer.

Despite being a world famous cricketer, he did not get BCB on his side in the case of his wife being abused. Rather, BCB was biased in favor of eveteasers. Due to this bias, the team of the national cricket team went to the hotel and pressured businessman Bazlur Rahman and his wife Shakib to withdraw the case.

However, despite the pressure from the criminals, Shakib is adamant about pursuing the case. In this, he came under pressure from BCB, instead of standing by, BCB tried to punish him by accusing him of breach of discipline.

However, no matter how elite Bangladeshi elites are, taking a look at Shakib is never as easy as slapping rickshaw pullers. Shakib is world's best all-rounder, former captain of national cricket team. Cricket lovers from home and abroad have unwavering support for him.

Importantly, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is a cricket enthusiast, also likes Shakib Al Hasan. He is a passionate supporter of his game. So even though Shakib had a fever, the Prime Minister went to see him at the hospital.

As a result, the plot needed to hunt Shakib. Any conspiracy can be banned from the game of cricket by cold-headed planning.

Seeing the stages of the plot, it is not difficult to understand how deep the waters of the Shakib opponents are. First the trap was opened about going to play in the Caribbean Premier League (CPL), then false propaganda was first used to distort public opinion towards him.

Well, it's done. BCB elites supporting the elites of Evtija had no difficulty in preparing the sacrifice of Shakib.

Shakib approached Akram Khan, head of BCB's cricket operations committee, to add a no-objection letter (NOC) to play CPL. He asked Shakib to contact BCB's acting chief executive officer (CEO) Nizam Uddin Chowdhury.

On contacting Nizam, he asked Shakib to contact Akram Khan again. In this round of communication, Akram gave verbal permission saying that he has no problem playing in CPL and said that he will sign the NOC when he returns home.

But Shakib didn't realize the trap of going to play CPL without objection on the assurance of Akram Khan.

Therefore, after Shakib left the country with his wife last Wednesday, the stakes were shaken. During his stay in London on his way to Barbados to play the CPL, BCB asked him to return home as soon as possible to join the national team training.

Shakib returned to the country last Sunday after receiving BCB's notice. But in the meantime, there has been a vigorous campaign of accusations including the threat of Shakib not playing cricket for the country citing the new coach Chandrika Hathrusing.

So after returning home, Shakib could not prove his patriotism even though he wanted to play cricket for ten more years for the country. Rather, all his achievements to place Bangladesh in the seat of dignity in the cricket world were erased in one stroke.

But when the root of the incident is the victimization of a woman named Umm Ahmed Shishir, the question is actually about the safety of women in Bangladesh.

Now it is being said, when the world's best all-rounder faces punishment while protecting his wife from oppression, how will common people protect their wives-sisters-girlfriends from the elite scoundrels?

Read all this time give your opinion about Shakib Al Hasan in the comments.

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