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Indian Ayurveda doctor's strange proposal to treat Neymar!

The Dhaka Times Desk Barcelona's Brazilian forward Neymar has been injured in the World Cup, when the whole world, including Brazil, is worried about Neymar's injury, there are rumors in India that Neymar is coming to India for treatment and will be treated by an Ayurveda doctor named after the Indian state of Kerala!


For ages, Indians have made themselves a laughing stock, this time there has been a stir in the state of Kerala, India, centered on the treatment of Neymar, the world's most expensive star. There are rumors in various newspapers that Neymar is coming to India only to get treatment from an Indian Ayurveda doctor! This is more rumor than funny.

According to various sources, there are rumors in Kerala that Neymar himself is being sent by the Brazilian Football Federation to Kerala in India! The Brazilian Football Federation has appealed to the Kerala Chief Minister to consider Neymar's Ayurvedic treatment for the Indian administration!

In view of such incidents, Kerala administration official Umen Chandy said, nothing like this has happened yet. Football fans in Kerala appealed to the Indian government to send a proposal to Brazil for Ayurvedic treatment of Neymar.

Meanwhile, Kerala Chief Minister said, I have spoken to Health Minister VS Sivakumar. He spoke to doctors from top Ayurveda colleges here. They have already sent Neymar's medical documents online. This is only our unilateral proposal. Whether the Brazilian government will send Neymar to India is up to them.

The Kerala administration has requested the media not to misrepresent the matter. In any case, the matter is now being considered as a laughing stock of many people.

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