Categories: general

Before the start of married life, the children will discuss the financial issues!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people do not want to get married early due to financial reasons. In order to solve these problems, the bride and groom need to discuss some issues. It will also make it easier to handle financial matters after marriage. Both of them have to discuss the five issues in this case.


1. Look into financial loans

Debt can become a burden for your family. So both husband and wife have to look at the financial debt. If any of them has an abnormal amount of debt, then it should be discussed how to settle it. There should be no hiding in it. Marriage means sharing finances with each other as well as other things. Therefore, to have time to discuss these issues and know the loan repayment plan.

2. Distribute household financial responsibilities

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For a healthy and normal marriage, financial responsibilities should be discussed before marriage. It is necessary to plan in advance who will fulfill the daily financial needs. It is necessary to clarify who will be responsible for managing the financial affairs and who will pay the bills. If one of the couple is in charge of managing the finances, there is no such thing as being completely in the dark about the other. Where and how much money is being spent for a healthy relationship, both should know these things.

3. Plan expenses according to annual income

Before marriage, couples need to have a plan discussing how much their total annual income will be and how this money will be spent. The annual income discussion is necessary so that both have a clear idea of what their lifestyle will be like after marriage. It will be possible to know in advance where they will live and how much money they will spend.

4. I want a financial plan for the family

Truly everyone should have a financial plan. And this plan should include long term and short term plan. Planning should include holistic lifestyle planning and retirement finances. Although the long-term issues seem far away, they have to be discussed and planned in advance. Especially post-marriage issues should be discussed before marriage.

5. Bank credit scores for couples

Credit scores were not discussed much in the past. But what many people consider seriously is how much you can afford to borrow at present. If the credit score is high, it is easier to get a loan from the bank. Both prospective couples should discuss this credit score. If this score is low then how it can be increased should also be discussed. Because this will make it easier to get useful loans for urgent needs, which will keep your normal life going.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৭, ২০১৪ 12:54 pm

KA B Tohin

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