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Mistakes we make in everyday technology

The Dhaka Times Desk We often make several mistakes when buying and using technology products. If we are a little aware, but we can easily avoid these mistakes. Today we will present to the readers of The Dhaka Times the different aspects of technical product related mistakes that cause our mechanical suffering.


operating system

Each technology product runs on a specific operating system. Popular operating systems include Windows, Ubuntu, Linux. But in this case Windows is more popular in our country. But you need to be especially careful when buying Windows. Windows XP was once a very popular technology product but now it has been discontinued. But Windows Vista was a complete flop. Although Windows 7 is quite popular as it is, it is also going to be discontinued from the year 2015. In that case, you have to choose Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 when buying Windows. Ubuntu is another popular operating system, but it is not as self-contained as Windows.

hard disk drive

Don't skimp on buying flash storage or flash drives or hard disk drives. When buying a storage drive, its price does not always match the buyer's budget. So don't make the mistake of being stingy and buying low capacity flash storage or hard disk drives. Because in case of small storage most of its space will be occupied by operating system (OS). Moreover, if the storage capacity is more, it will be more convenient to keep your important files.


In our country, we do not keep any backup of the files or software in any OS update. But we all know that data backup is necessary before any major software update. The funny thing is that we need to drive according to the rules but most of the times we don't follow them, so we forget to keep a backup. Even if you keep the backup in mind, you can see that it seems to be in the middle of formatting the hard disk. You will find this backup facility in newer Windows operating systems.

Laptop battery charge

A 63 percent charge on a mobile device or laptop while at home means a lot of charge. But stepping outside the house means being extremely relaxed for six minutes. It is better to fully charge when going out of the house. Also keep an extra battery with you in case you need it.

file format

You will understand this problem of file format more in the case of office files. Let's say you saved a word file in .docx format. Then take that file to your friend's PC for any necessary work. Since your friend's PC has office system 2003, your docs file won't open there. The file should be saved in a format that facilitates copy protection of the file in the future. Always use whatever format it supports.

When buying a TV

When buying a television, you should understand the current trends. The TV that is popular now may seem like junk to you after a few days. So you should buy TV keeping the future in mind. For example, even though 3D TV is popular now, 4K or Ultra HD TV is starting to become popular in the technology world. Think carefully about what TV you buy.

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