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From now on train location will be known by number 16318

The Dhaka Times Desk Will you go home by train on Eid? But waiting for the train at the station does not see the train! From now on you don't have to go to the station and sit for the train. GPS system will know where your train is now through mobile SMS.

Now everyone is worried about getting a ticket, but the train will leave properly! How long to wait on the platform for the train? Where is the train that you will go to? To answer all the information, this time Bangladesh Railway has taken a special GPS system to tell the location of the train along with three mobile operators Grameenphone, Robi and Banglalink. So far more than half a hundred locomotives have been fitted with special devices for train tracking through GPRS. With this, the train is being monitored through satellite.

GPS will automatically know where the train is at the moment, so you will be informed about the position of your train in a return message. So you don't have to go to the station and wait for hours.

Grameenphone, Robi and Banglalink customers will now get all the necessary information including where the train is, when it will leave, next stop and delay time in just one SMS. If you send a text message to 16318 by writing TR followed by space and the train name or code, you will get the necessary information including the location of the desired train, delay time in the return message. Each SMS will cost 4 taka 60 paisa including VAT.

Bangladesh Railway is planning to provide this service online this year. If this facility is launched online, passengers will be able to know the updated train information from the railway website.

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This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৭, ২০১৪ 9:13 am


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