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The price of 1 gram of Bangladeshi pepper is 3 lakh taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk The name of this Bangladeshi pepper has already appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. Now it is said that it is possible to deal with the budget of 2.5 billion rupees by producing this pepper! Because if the price of one gram of pepper is three lakh taka, then it is not impossible.


The name of this pepper, which is more expensive than gold, grown on the soil of Bangladesh is Naga pepper, capsaicin in English. It belongs to Bangladesh. The natural capsaicin compound in our naga pepper is used in anti-cancer drugs, pain relievers, weight management, etc. That's why capsaicin is a very valuable pepper. The cost of one village is more than three lakh rupees.

Meanwhile, this Naga pepper of Bangladesh has broken the record of all the chillies in the world. Birthplace Sylhet region of Bangladesh, some rural areas of Assam, Nagaland, Mani and Sri Lanka in India. Where it is known as Nai Mirris: Cobra Chilli. But the Naga pepper produced in Greater Sylhet is now available in the famous chain shop Tesco in London City, UK.


In 2007, Guinness World Records recognized Naga pepper as the hottest pepper in the world, which is 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. For quite some time, India has claimed this pepper as its own, but Bangladesh is the sole owner of Naga pepper.

Director (Planning and Evaluation) of Bangladesh Masala Research Institute Bogra. Bhagya Rani Vanik said that recently they got a machine for capsaicin processing. However, it is very difficult to work on these sensitive issues without trained scientists. With careful, critical government oversight, Bangladesh could benefit greatly economically from capsaicin. Export of pepper compound will be able to deal with the particular shortage of market.

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