Categories: fashion

Buy ladies jeans pants from famous brands at low prices

The Dhaka Times Desk Happy Eid came back after the year! And like every year this time also on the occasion of Eid Today's Deal Brings a unique collection of fashionable jeans pants for women of all ages. Choose your favorite color and design from among the numerous jeans pants. Now you can buy your favorite jeans from home! Ordered over the phone, the jeans arrived at home, it was nice to see that you bought it with money. In this case you don't have to pay any money in advance.


Today's Deal When it comes to choosing jeans pants, give preference to comfortable fabrics and fancy designs. As it is Eid in summer, jeans pants will get a new dimension this Eid. Why are you lagging behind when everyone is thinking of wearing jeans in Eid fashion? Here are some attractive jeans pants available at Ajkerdeal on the occasion of upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr. Learn how to buy online Read our article.

1) Ladies Jeans - Sky Blue

These jeans are made of denim fabric with 98% cotton and 2% spandex skin tight narrow fit. It has amazing embroidery work on the front and back pockets. There are three different sizes of 30, 31, 35.

The price is only 550 rupees.
You can order if you like By clicking here.

2) TRAXX Ladies Denim Pants

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These jeans in denim fabric are skin tight narrow fit with modern design. It has exquisite embroidery and button work on the front and back pockets.

The price is only 690 rupees.
You can order if you like By clicking here.

3) ARIYA Hip-hugging Ladies Jeans

Choose a stylish and affordable pair of pants, these jeans in denim fabric 98% Cotton and 2% Spandex skin tight narrow fit. It has amazing embroidery work on the front and back pockets.

The price is only 550 rupees.
You can order if you like By clicking here.

4) T.TRAXX-Sky Blue

These jeans boot cut in denim fabric, comfortable to wear, trending in the jeans market today, with separate button work on both side pockets and zipper.

The price is only 690 rupees.
You can order if you like By clicking here.

5) Ladies Jeans - Faded Navy

These jeans are made of denim fabric 98% cotton and 2% spandex skin tight narrow fit. It has amazing embroidery work on the front and back pockets. It has 5 pockets, 3 in front and 2 in back, you will get different washing fadeness in this pant.

The price is only 550 rupees.
You can order if you like By clicking here.

Check out more jeans pants from top brands that are fashionable on Eid Click here.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৬, ২০১৪ 1:03 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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