The Dhaka Times
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'Massacre' continues in Palestinian Gaza: 425 killed

The Dhaka Times Desk Israeli attacks on Palestinian-occupied Gaza continue. The Israeli forces carried out the worst attack there on Sunday. 87 people lost their lives in yesterday's attack. 425 Palestinians have been killed so far.

genocide continues-২

The media reported that Sunday was the 13th day of attacks on Gaza. Israel forces have carried out the worst attack on this day. At least 87 people were killed in the Israeli attack yesterday. At least 67 people were killed in this terrible attack in Sujaiya area of East Gaza.

Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has declared 3 days of national mourning by describing this incident as a 'genocide'.

genocide continues

Aljazeera reported that the Israeli forces broke the 2-hour ceasefire in Swaziland on Sunday afternoon and launched an attack an hour later. The country's army was seen using heavy weapons in the area. Meanwhile, the media said that air strikes have been started there again.

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Eyewitnesses said that in addition to the area of Swaziland, the Israeli forces also carried out a terrible attack in the Al-Tafa area of Eastern Gaza.
Palestinian bodies were seen lying on the streets, news agencies reported.

As of Sunday, 425 Palestinians have been killed and at least 3,000 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza. Meanwhile, despite the continued attacks, the Israeli authorities said yesterday that they will attack Gaza more widely.

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