The Dhaka Times
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The rebels snatched the 196 recovered bodies of the Malaysian crashed plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk The operation to recover bodies from the crashed Malaysian airliner was hampered from the beginning by the rebels. Later, 196 bodies were recovered from the crashed Malaysian plane MH-17, but the rebels snatched these bodies.

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The media reported that the bodies were found in the nearby town of Torez in eastern Ukraine. Most of the bodies were recovered from railway wagons equipped with a freezing system in the rebel-held city. But the rebels sensed this and snatched the dead bodies again.

It is believed that the bodies were taken there by the rebels. However, the Ukrainian government blamed the rebels for this incident. Rescue workers on Sunday did not find any bodies at the wreckage. It is believed that the bodies were removed on Saturday itself. Because the rescuers wanted to go to the spot but the entire area was surrounded by the rebels.

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The media reported that the separatists, on the other hand, said that the plane's recorder was in their possession and that they would hand it over to the International Civil Aviation Organization.

It should be noted that since the destruction of the Boeing 777 plane that crashed in eastern Ukraine last Thursday, the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian rebels have been blaming each other. The Malaysian Airlines passenger flight was traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with 298 passengers on board. All on board were killed when the plane crashed near the Russian border.

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