Categories: international news

Mr. for killing my only child. Thank you Putin

The Dhaka Times Desk Hans de Borst, the father of an only child in the downing of the Malaysian airliner, told the killers: 'Thank you for killing my child'.

The cry of the bereaved in the downing of the Malaysian plane has now become a blow to the hearts of the people of the world. Accidents can happen at any time but when hundreds of lives are lost due to political bankruptcy, it raises questions for everyone. Hans de Borst, the father who lost his only child in the downing of the Malaysian airliner. He said to the killers in mourning, 'Mr. to kill my beloved and only child. Thanks to Putin (President of Russia), separatist leaders or the Ukrainian government.' Hans de Borst has 'thanked' the killers after losing his only child in the downing of the Malaysian airliner in eastern Ukraine.

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He wrote an ironic open letter to the brutality of those who shot down Malaysian flight MH17. The letter was published in the Dutch media on Monday.

In his letter, Hans singled out both the Russian and Ukrainian governments as he expressed his anger over the loss of his 17-year-old only daughter. Expressing his grief over the loss of his daughter, he said, 'She left suddenly. He was systematically killed in the air of a foreign war-torn country.

Speaking about his daughter's future thoughts, Hans also writes, 'Ilsmeik was going to finish school next year. He was very good in studies. Ilsemeik wanted to study civil engineering at Delft University. He was very happy about this.'

Mocking the killers, Hans wrote indignantly, 'I hope you are now proud of destroying this young life! "Just take a look at yourself in the mirror," he asked.

Notably, the Malaysian plane crashed last Thursday in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. It is believed that the plane was shot down by a rebel missile. All 298 passengers died. The rebels also took control of the bodies of the plane. References:

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২২, ২০১৪ 1:39 pm

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