The Dhaka Times
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Motorcycle anti-theft devices have been developed in the country

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, Bangladeshi Ataur Rahman has invented a device with his own efforts, which can ensure the safety of homes and shops, starting from motorcycles!


Ataur Rahman of Dakshin Milikbagha village of Bagha upazila of Rajshahi has long experience in repairing electrical appliances. He himself said that he invented this particular device mainly from that experience and from his special interest in electrical matters.

Ataur Rahman said, this device made by me will send an automatic call to the mobile phone of the bike owner if a thief tries to take the motorbike. At the same time motorbikes will also give warning signals. This device can also be used in homes and businesses.


Inventor Ataur Rahman also said that the three parts of the device work together to prevent theft. The function of the main part is to beep and send calls to mobile phones. The remaining two parts are kept facing each other. When one of the mouths is turned to the other side or someone enters between the two, the sound generating part starts working. Sensors are mounted on two devices facing each other. As a result, when someone passes between these two or turns the face to the other side, the sensor catches it and the main device starts sounding.

When asked how much it costs, he said that it costs 3,000 taka for a house or a shop. And for motorcycles, the device can be added for only 2 thousand taka.

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