The Dhaka Times Desk Marriage is considered as the strongest bond in our society. Socially, it is said that by getting married, a person can remove his imperfections and become a complete person. But after all, many people see marriage life as having many problems, today we will see why marriage relationship is the most beautiful in spite of many problems?
Relationship is a very sweet thing. But if it is husband and wife then it becomes more beautiful. But the closer you are to a person, the more you see the bad side of him. So sometimes there is confusion in the family. After that, the world is the most beautiful thing, why? Let's find out-
Single people often can't share their sadness with anyone. But those who are married can share their grief with their husband or wife if they want. This will keep you very relaxed even if you are upset.
Think for a moment that there is no one around you for your illness, you are doing your own service, eating, sleeping, nothing is counted. Having a partner with you will help you in your illness. He is also the person who thinks about you. This sweet touching moment of love will make your marriage much sweeter.
A married happy man or woman forget what lonely! Really all the time you are getting a companion next to you, then why should you suffer from loneliness? So you become one at the end of the day even after many quarrels.
If you or your husband share everything with each other then you will face everything together whether it is good or bad. It reduces the pressure on you alone! Not great!
When there is any problem, intellectual help is always there for everything, you can get it just by raising your hand. You will not find such a partner in normal life except married life.
You don't have to make decisions alone, the person next to you always helps you in all your decisions. You go to the store to take what you like! You can expect a compliment before thinking. Both husband and wife know what each other likes so can help each other make decisions.
You may have many friends. But can they always be by your side? May or may not. But your spouse is your lifelong friend. Throughout life this person will be by your side like a friend in laughter, joy, sadness, depression.
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২১, ২০১৪ 8:55 am
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