The Dhaka Times Desk Various types of diseases including cancer can be caused by ATM slips or shopping mall bills. Recently, researchers have given the information by doing various studies.
An online news media published from Kolkata said, ATM slips or shopping mall bills can cause serious diseases like cancer in your body. It contains the toxic compound bisphenol, a chemical that permeates the fabric of modern life. From ATM slips to fax paper, from packaged food to plastic containers used in microwave ovens, the toxic presence of this compound is being noticed everywhere. Because of this, evidence has recently been found that the indiscriminate use of bisphenol in daily life is behind a bunch of diseases including cancer, infertility, obesity, hormonal diseases. Realizing such a situation, many countries in the world have started to curb the use of bisphenol.
The harmful effects of bisphenol are being discussed all over the world. Recently several studies have revealed its carfinogenic effects. America and European countries have started to control the use of bisphenol. But in our country these matters are still in the dark.
Researchers say, this chemical is able to penetrate the skin layer and enter the body. And if its level is high in the body, it is not impossible for it to be cancer, experts have said.
Researchers say BPA acts as a 'catalyst' in breast and prostate cancer. People who are exposed to BPA are also more likely to develop brain tumors (meningioma).' The researchers said, 'After a certain temperature, BPA breaks down and mixes with food. And this is how it enters the body by mixing with food. Bisphenol in excess of a certain level can cause everything from cancer to obesity to infertility. Even if a pregnant mother is exposed to BPA, it can cause far-reaching harm to the unborn child. And so in different countries of the world, taking these issues into consideration, necessary measures are being taken. In our country, these issues have not yet created much awareness among the people. Experts feel that it is necessary to discuss the issues in time.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 11:13 am
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