Solution: Laptop-computer is shutting down suddenly?

The Dhaka Times Desk Our used computers, laptops shut down suddenly in the middle of work, in many cases the computer is shutting down even without your instructions. Today's report has some tips on what to do if this happens.


Computers are powered by a variety of chips and tiny powerful components. A power supply conducts electricity separately to operate each device. However, due to the current flow in these small devices, they get very hot and the computer shuts down automatically when the temperature exceeds a certain limit.

Our computers and laptops have some cooling fan system to avoid this hot irony. However, in many cases, if the cooling fan does not work properly due to various reasons, the computer laptop gets hot and shuts down by itself. Let's know how you can control high temperature of computer-

Desktop computer

On all desktop computers you will find air vents on the back of the casing. In some cases, there are two additional fans on the needle side. The only function of these fans is to keep the machine cool. But for some reason, if these fans are not working properly i.e. the hot air outside and the cold air outside can not pass, then there is a problem. It should be seen that they are not blocked by walls or any other reason. Turn off the computer and disconnect the electrical connection. Open the casing and look inside to see if anything is blocking the air, if the cooling fan blades are stuck with wires or something. If dust accumulates in the circuit, carefully clean it with a brush or 'compressed duster'. Now connect the power and check if the fans are spinning properly, then install the casing. Now you will see that your computer is much cooler than before and the problem of shutting down suddenly is not happening anymore.

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Laptop computer

Laptops are very complex because there are many circuits, processors, chips, batteries, speakers and boards in a small space. You can understand how complicated the work is. It is not right to open the casing of a laptop without professional skills. Clean the outside. It heats up the laptop, there is a risk of damage. If the laptop is overheating, you can buy a laptop cooler. These cooling pads are available in the market between 600 to 2 thousand rupees. In addition, in case of laptop use, you should always take care not to place the laptop directly on the pillow or bed, as the cooling fan of the laptop cannot pass the air and the laptop may get hot and explode.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২৪ 1:55 pm


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