Categories: sport

Messi vacationing with his girlfriend on the famous island of Capri in Italy

The Dhaka Times Desk After the World Cup mission, Messi is staying in the famous Italian island of Capri with his girlfriend. Various news media have confirmed this news.


Argentina striker Lionel Messi could not have the last laugh after winning the Brazil World Cup 2014 title. Messi, the star player of Barcelona, was not seen smiling even for a moment in the final match. His heart was filled with sadness after losing to Germany - at least his face reminded him of that. The reason for this is that even on the verge of winning the World Cup, the golden trophy has not been touched. So Messi's Argentina had to return home with a sad heart. Although the country gave them a huge reception for being runners-up. Still, the pain of not getting the cup seemed to eat away at him.

In such a situation, Messi went on vacation with his wife Antenelsna Roccuzzo to remove the depression of the World Cup. Messi Swastrik is currently staying in Italy's famous island of Capri. They are having a great time there.

And that's why Messi hasn't even joined Barcelona's pre-season training yet. At the end of the vacation, he will return to Barcelona and join the team. Start normal sports. The question has already arisen, will Messi stay until the next World Cup? But time will tell everything.

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This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৬, ২০১৪ 1:43 pm

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