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Users will pay two new social networks!

The Dhaka Times Desk Using Facebook and showing you Facebook is making a huge profit from advertising! You are getting none of this! Now two new social media announced that they will return a certain portion of the revenue from advertising to users!


Get paid for your time in return for your time on social media! Can't believe it! Yes, the two new social media are giving a tie.Mr. Bonjo' and 'Bablius‘!

'Bonzo Me' and 'Bubbleous' announced that since social media users are the site's revenue from advertising and that revenue is not entirely owned by the site owner, there remains a large portion of the users. Advertising is one of the sources of business for various social networks including Facebook. And through these advertisements they earn huge money. Until now, the companies through whom this income came, did not even think of paying any money to the users. But this time there is an exception to that rule.

on the other hand'BabliusThey started offering their services on a trial basis in September 2012. The company, which formally started its service last week, has around two lakh users so far.

Both sites have mobile apps including iPhone, Android.

Any user can log in from now on and start using these sites and your account will be regularly credited with dollars!

And why late? Go now to unlock ID Bonjo Me ( and Bablius ( on its website.

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