Put the phone under the pillow fire!

The Dhaka Times Desk while charging Samsung Galaxy S4 The owner was sleeping with the smartphone under the pillow, and the whole set got hot and caught fire under the pillow!

The incident happened North Texas, USA। ফোনের মালিক ১৩ বছর বয়সী এক বালিকা, তিনি জানান “I put my phone under the pillow and charge it. Suddenly I smell burning and realize the smell is coming from under my pillow. Later I saw that my smartphone kept there was completely burnt and the pillow and bed were on fire."

meanwhile Fox TV In an interview, he said, we think that all the products we are using are safe for us, actually they are not. We should be more careful in using these electrical things.

in a message Samsung Said that the phone could not circulate air due to the fact that the phone was pressed on the pillow while charging. As a result, this happened. The company also said that users are given instructions about this matter beforehand.

But interestingly, Samsung said they also damaged the phone and the pillow and bed mattress will change. A Samsung representative said, "Samsung takes product quality and customer satisfaction very seriously."

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Meanwhile, analysts say that all electronic products run on numerous small chips and processors, which heat up due to the current flowing through these devices, and if there is not enough air circulation, these products can overheat and cause serious accidents.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২৪ 1:57 pm


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