The Dhaka Times
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After 44 years, he found out that she is a woman

The Dhaka Times Desk Although he lived as a man for a long time, when he was 44, he found out that he was actually a woman! Wondering? Yes, such rare cases have happened know In the case of a man named


know chinese Citizen, Chen married a beautiful woman a few days ago. Recently he started having severe abdominal pain and bleeding with urine. He consulted a doctor about the problem. The doctor told him about his problem and after various tests it was actually Chen a woman!

Chen's about it doctor He said that the chain pain is actually not a stomach problem. Instead, due to menstruation, pain is felt in her lower abdomen!! For the same reason blood is passing with his urine. He said that he knows Ovary There is also a uterus. That is, he has all the genitals that are needed to have a child.

But the doctor says, we can see that Chen, who was not a woman to begin with, suddenly transforms into a woman, and it's complete Naturally has been

Meanwhile Chen's wife at home There, Chen himself is disappointed in this incident. Chen still can't accept how this happened in his life, but Chen is all Chromosome The test report is reviewed by all famous doctors in China.

formula- International Business Times

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