The Dhaka Times Desk Recent research on chilies has shown that chilies contain a chemical compound that helps in eliminating colon cancer. Researchers found this fact by experimentally applying a substance called capsaicin found in chili peppers to mice. recent Clinical Investigation This research report is published in the journal.
The rats are theirs of gastrointestinal tumors Capsaicin in chili peppers can be used genetically to prevent it. Capsaicin Acts as a pain receptor on intestinal cells. Besides, it plays a role as an inhibitor in the formation of colorectal tumors of intestinal cells. Scientists applied this capsaicin to mice of different ages and found that it worked to prevent cell cancer at a rate of about 30 percent. It becomes more effective when celecoxib is added to it. Celecoxib is a drug used to treat arthritis. Bowel cancer is one of the three most common cancers in the UK. Bowel cancer accounts for around 41,000 cancer patients in the UK each year. This report also states that most patients are diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer. In this case, capsaicin compound can play a good role in curing it.
Capsaicin has a trigger or receptor to eliminate colon cancer. Scientists named it TRPV1. It is a hormone that stimulates neurons in the brain in response to heat, acidity and salty tastes. TRPV1 resides within intestinal epithelial cells. Which helps in epidermal growth of intestinal cells. Our body has an enzyme called EGFR inside the intestinal cells that activates TRPV. But if the secretion or amount of this EGFR increases more, the risk of colon cancer increases. Scientists have found that capsaicin in chili peppers helps keep TRPV1 in check. Scientists have not applied this capsaicin compound to humans, but they say it will be done soon, and they are very optimistic.
Reference: The Daily Mail