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The six habits that will make you likeable to everyone

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone wants people to like him and love him. This is why it is very important to present yourself well. He notices everything from the way you speak to the way you dress when you first meet someone. Your identity, field of work are all important. But if you present yourself nicely, everyone will like you. So we present the history of some common habits of a likable person. Which will make you a favorite of all.


Introduce yourself in general:
The general human instinct is to prove oneself the best at first sight. Therefore, competition with other people starts. But it will only make you smaller. This behavior is childish. So don't go for cheap competition and present yourself in a very simple way. Speak normally. Appreciate the good in others. Everyone will like you.


Use perfumes sparingly:
Everyone likes fragrance. That's why there are so many types of fragrances around the world. However, if strong smelling perfumes cause headaches for others, it will have the opposite reaction. So use light perfume. It will help in projecting a good image to others. A good brand of light fragrance is available for a small price. You can spend a little on personality.


A good way to approach people is to hug them, talk to them, or put your hand on their shoulder or back as an expression of emotion. It will make others interested in you. But unnecessary touching will do more harm than good. Remember, normal behavior is key.


Express yourself during the conversation:
Being serious is not a bad thing. It often affects the identity between boys and girls. But in most cases it is better to reveal yourself. Seriousness will set you apart from others. Distance will be created. So express yourself during the conversation. Another thing, if you wear sunglasses, take them off during the conversation.


Take care of nails:
Always take care of yourself when interacting with people. Take care of nails. Who wants to shake hands with a person with dirty nails? Everyone likes a clean person.


Speak with understanding:
Speak clearly when communicating with others. It is better not to talk unnecessarily. If you talk unnecessarily, you may say something offensive, or hurt others. If you have nothing to say, listen to others. Ask relevant questions occasionally.


People naturally want to be liked by everyone. But many times it is not possible. Everyone has some bad temper or annoying habit. If you leave them and develop some good habits, you can become a person preferred by most people. This is why it is necessary to strive. Precious things like liking and love don't seem to require much effort.

Source: indiatimes

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