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Unique characteristic of intelligent people: They all wake up at night

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a saying - go to sleep early, wake up early. The key to success within this rule is doom if not. I have been hearing this for a long time. But a recent study found that intelligent people wake up much more at night than normal people. Even if they work at night, they are more successful.


Generally intelligent people tend to break the rules. The value of his intelligence lies in changing the conventional rules and introducing his own rules. Besides, they can discover the secret glory of the night. So they wake up at night. In a Psychology Today survey of young Americans, more intelligent youths go to bed later than less intelligent ones. People in their early 20s have different working day and holiday sleeping times according to their IQ.

Low intelligence (IQ < 75)

Working Days: 11.41 PM to 7.20 AM
Holidays: 12.35 pm to 10.09 am

General Intelligence (90 < IQ < 110)

Working Days: 12.10 PM to 7.32 AM
Holidays: 1.13 pm to 10.14 am

High intelligence (IQ > 125)

Working Days: 12.29 PM to 7.52 AM
Holidays: 1.44 pm to 11.07 am

Young people with IQs below 75 go to bed on weekdays at 11:30 p.m IQ 125 On top of that the occupants sleep at 12:30. When most people go to sleep, intelligent people choose the best time for their thoughts, plans, profit and loss of the day, calculations.

There are some unique characteristics found in people who are awake at night. Which is thought to be related to night waking. For example:

Expansion of imagination:

The greater the speed of his imagination, the greater the breadth of his thoughts. Intelligent people choose night as the right time to think. Their imaginations are not hindered in the midst of silence. It finds many useful directions. Night is the perfect time to think beyond common boundaries.


People who wake up at night try to establish something new beyond the traditional meditation concept. He is determined to lead himself and the society in the arena of change. Therefore, these people who are awake at night are exceptional.


These people are broad minded. As a result they are very generous. They are generous because of the depth of thought and mental strength that helps them gain experience.


They are more efficient. Being focused leads to success. But they work equally efficiently at night as well as during the day. In other words, due to waking up at night, besides changing people's thinking, their skills also increase.

These results are definitely outside of conventional thinking. But being objective is believable. Therefore, the night can be used to improve one's mind and skills instead of just seeing it as a time to sleep. Even many sages used to wake up at night.

Source: elitedaily

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