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The death toll from the earthquake in China has reached 382

The Dhaka Times Desk The death toll from earthquakes in China is steadily increasing. At first the calculation of the damage was not understood, but now a different picture is seen. So far 382 people have died. About 2 thousand were injured.

China earthquake

The death toll from China's worst earthquake in recent memory is rising. Various news media reported that 382 people have lost their lives so far. About 2 thousand were injured. Many houses have been destroyed. It is reported that the death toll may rise further.

China earthquake-2

The earthquake hit 11 kilometers away from the city of Yunping in southwestern Yunnan province yesterday afternoon local time in China. The magnitude of the earthquake was 6.5 on the Richter scale. However, according to sources of the local Red Cross and various organizations, the destruction of the earthquake seems to be too much. News China's state-run news agency Xinhua.

China earthquake-3

Meanwhile, the Chinese government has sent nearly 2,500 troops to the earthquake-hit areas for rescue work. In addition, there are 300 policemen, fire service personnel and 400 emergency rescue personnel carrying out rescue operations. According to media reports, 2,000 tents, 3,000 beds, blankets and coats have been sent to the victims of the earthquake.

Paramilitary policemen treat an injured woman after a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Yingjiang county

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered rescue workers to make every effort to quickly rescue those trapped in the rubble. On the other hand, according to the news agency Xinhua, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang visited the earthquake affected area.

China earthquake-5

China's state-controlled television CCTV quoted the BBC as saying that it was the strongest earthquake in the mountainous region in the past 14 years. More than 12 thousand houses were destroyed in this earthquake. More than 30,000 houses have been damaged.

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