The Dhaka Times Desk Smoking is injurious to health. Smoking causes cancer. Despite such dire warnings written on cigarette packets themselves, most people are addicted to smoking. Anyone who starts smoking for various reasons but wants to quit faces the same problem. Quitting smoking immediately is not possible for many people. Many say that quitting smoking is possible if you put your mind to it. You will be surprised to know, some foods play a direct role in smoking cessation.
যারা ধূমপান করেন তারা নিশ্চয়ই জানেন, খাবারের পর ধূমপান করার ইচ্ছা আরো বেশি করে জাগে। কিন্তু এখানে যে পাঁচটি খাদ্যের কথা বলা হবে সেগুলো আপনার ধূমপানের ইচ্ছাকে প্রশমিত করবে। চলুন জেনে নিই…
A taste of milk that does not create a desire to smoke but instead creates an aversion to it. As a result, if you feel the urge to smoke, drink a glass of milk. Your desire will turn into reluctance. Drink liquid milk regularly if you want to avoid smoking. Moreover it is good for health.
Eating different types of fruits reduces smoking addiction. Sour fruits that contain vitamin C are very effective in this regard. The real reason for this is that smoking cannot store vitamin C in the body, resulting in deficiency. As a result, the demand for smoking is created. Eating fruits containing vitamin C will not cause deficiency in the body. As a result the demand for smoking will decrease. A variety of raw vegetables, including fennel, also work well.
Salty food:
Salty food instantly removes the urge to smoke. Chips, pickles and other salty foods are effective in smoking cessation. You can also eat a little raw salt. It carries out anti-smoking activities.
Sweet food:
Although the blood glucose level decreases, the desire to smoke increases. Sweet or sugary foods raise blood glucose levels. It inevitably reduces the desire to smoke. So eat sweet food when you feel like smoking.
If you can keep your mouth busy in some way, the amount of smoking will decrease. And what's better than swing gum to keep the face busy! So always chew swing gum early in the decision to quit smoking.
In this way, you can give up bad habits like smoking with the help of food. Can survive from cancer. You will start getting the results in a few days of practice.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৭, ২০২৪ 12:53 pm
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