The Dhaka Times Desk Although two days have passed, no trace of the Pinak-6 launch that sank in the Padma at Munshiganj has been found. It was not found within 3 miles of the crash site. Pinak-6 is believed to have been buried in silt.
Rustam and other rescue ships and modern equipment are being used to rescue the Pinak-6 launch pada that sank in Padma. But even after two days Pinak-6 has not been found. Rescuers could not find anything within a 3-mile radius of the scene. A newly launched sonar scanner called the 'Lader Scanner Search Operation' did not yield any results. Launch not found at all.
Navy Landsman Shaheenur told media that Pinak searched within a radius of 2.5 to 3 miles from where it sank. But they did not see any sign of the launch. Navy divers now plan to search within a 5-mile radius.
Naval expert Syed Monowar Hussain told the media, 'From where the launch sank, it may have drifted several miles upstream.' He also said, 'That stream area is mainly silt. If the launch has moved towards the Meghna, it may be covered in silt or sand. In that case it will be difficult to find the launch.'
Navy Captain Nazrul Islam said in a press briefing in the evening that the operation has started in the 5 km area from the evening. Navy boat and rescue ship Rustum has started operations.
Captain Nazrul Islam told the media that the launch could not be identified even after searching far from the place where the launch sank. It is believed that the launch may have been buried under silt.
Meanwhile, as this launch was not rescued, thousands of people are crowding at Padmapad. The banks of the Padma are heavy with the cries of missing relatives. The missing relatives now have only one wish, at least to get the body back. But the direction the situation is going has raised doubts whether the bodies of the missing will be found. Due to inclement weather and strong currents in the Padma, the launch itself has not been detected so far. Even if the launch is found, most of the bodies inside are likely to have washed away.
Note that on Monday morning with more than 3 hundred passengers The passenger launch Pinak-6 sank. Hundreds of passengers of the launch survived, but the rest are yet to be found. The existence of the launch could not be found.
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৬, ২০১৪ 12:03 pm
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