The Dhaka Times Desk We have many types of fears. Many times panic over small things. These fears are variously named phobias. Surprising but true, common people's fear of technology works.
Although the various names of these phobias related to technology are not yet official, the names of these phobias are not listed in the Mental Health Care Diagnostic Manual. That is not to say that the number of people with tech phobia is less. Their number is increasing day by day. The matter did not come up for much discussion as it did not cause much problems in life. However, as the world grows technologically, the number of people suffering from tech phobia is increasing.
এখন আমরা জানবো আলোচিত বিভিন্ন টেক ফোবিয়া সম্পর্কে…
Many people are afraid of modern technology. They see technology as a barrier to livelihood. The opponent begins to think of himself as the cause of the loss. This fear of people is called technophobia.
Remedy: People who know little about technology or have misconceptions are affected by this phobia. So learn as much as possible about the technology. Knowing its pros and cons will help you overcome your fears. Engaging with technology rather than pushing it away will greatly reduce your techphobia.
Nomophobia mainly occurs in mobile phone users. They are more inclined towards mobile usage. If you can't use the phone, you suffer from severe discomfort. Besides, they are very worried about phone network, battery charge. Seeing others using the phone makes them want to use the phone too.
Remedy: Create a list of mobile tasks. Determine which of these are important. Then try to do those things in some other way.
A person suffering from this phobia is afraid of using computers. Fear of knowing what work to do on the computer. Many of them think that computers have life. It takes care of everything.
Remedy: Cyberphobia is mainly due to lack of proper knowledge about computers. Learn about computers. Use it recreationally at first.
A person suffering from telephonophobia is terrified of phone calls. He always thinks he's going to make a fool of himself or something wrong will happen. Many people with social anxiety disorder also suffer from telephonophobia.
Remedy: First, normalize your social behavior. Don't lie as much as possible.
Taking a picture of yourself and publishing it on social media is called a selfie. There are many who cannot take this matter for granted. They think they are not very beautiful. Or their pictures don't come out well. So they are apprehensive about it.
Remedy: Avoid worrying about what others think. Go your own way.
These techphobias are common among many people. Many may not have understood that. But if you are aware of them after knowing, it will not cause much damage.
Source: Mashable
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২৪ 1:06 pm
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