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In China, a man's left leg was attached to his right leg!

The Dhaka Times Desk A man named Mr. Ma from Jiangzhou, China, had his left leg fused to his right leg. A recent accident resulted in the amputation of his left leg. But doctors attached his left leg to his right leg to keep him alive.


The doctor who performed this fatal operation on Mr May said, we want to reposition his left leg. But if it is left behind, it will not be able to play an effective role later on. So now it is attached to his right leg. Mister Mom now has two right legs at the same time. The surgeon who performed this operation connected the artery and artery of the left leg with the artery and artery of the right leg. As a result of this process, the two legs will act as one limb. Also, by doing this, the left leg will recover from illness. Mr Ma worked in a heavy industrial factory. His left leg was amputated in an accident there. Doctors amputated his leg but the patient says he wants to walk again. The doctors then decided on an important pilot operation.

The doctor also said, we have taken the help of microscopic technology for this operation, so that the surface of the foot will come to a stable state and its cells will remain alive.


Doctors say it will take about 20 days for Mr. Mae's left leg to be fully attached to his right leg. Meanwhile, the amputated part of the left leg will gradually heal. Then they will cut off the left leg from the right leg and reattach it to the left leg. After the whole operation is completed, Mr. Ma can walk again as before. It will take several months.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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