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Sohana's Facebook status coincided with the course of life

The Dhaka Times Desk মনের আবেগের কথাই কখনো কখনো সত্যি হয়ে যায়, সোহানা আহমেদ তার ফেসবুকে স্ট্যাটাস দিয়েছিলেন, “মেঘের উপর বাড়ি করবো। যাতে কেউ আমাকে খুজে না পায়। আমাকে অশান্তিতে না রাখে।” সত্যি তিনি চলে গেছেন মেঘের ওপারে! নরসিংদীতে সংঘর্ষের পর দুই বাসে আগুন ধরে ১০ জনের মৃত্যু হয়েছে তাদের মাঝে একজন সোহানা আহমেদ।

Although Sohana is in Dhaka, her village home is in Kendua village of Kishoreganj district, from there two buses collided head-on on their way back to Dhaka and both the buses caught fire due to cylinder explosion. According to the police and witnesses, a passenger bus of Sohag Paribahan bound for Dhaka from Bhairab collided with a bus of Meghalaya Paribahan bound for Manohardi. Meanwhile, the gas cylinder exploded and both the buses caught fire. Narsingdi Deputy Commissioner Abu Hena Morshed Zaman confirmed the news of 10 deaths immediately after the accident.

I will build a house on the clouds. So that no one finds me. Do not disturb me. i will be alone I will go out of touch.

Did Sohana know that this will be a tragic end? How did he give that status? Anyone who sees this status can remember whether the girl actually committed suicide in grief! But his wish was fulfilled in the collision of two buses! A fresh life was lost in an instant.

Sohana Facebook Status-

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This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৭, ২০১৪ 10:59 am


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