Categories: international news

Saudi government ban on marrying Bangladeshi women

The Dhaka Times Desk The Saudi government has banned the marriage of girls from three other countries including Bangladesh. The remaining three countries are Myanmar, Pakistan and the African country of Chad. Apart from this, if Saudi men want to marry women from other countries, they must get permission from the government. Recently, the Saudi police officially issued this ban.

The ban was originally imposed by the Saudi government to discourage Saudi men from marrying women from other countries. Currently, according to private estimates, the total number of women from four countries, including Bangladesh, living in Saudi Arabia is about five lakh. Any man in Saudi Arabia who wants to marry women from countries other than these four countries must seek government approval. Marriage application should be made through the proper authority to marry. Moreover the age of the applicant must be more than 25 years. Must submit identity card and family card attested by district mayor. If the applicant is already married, he/she should submit a medical report certified by the District Mayor that his/her previous wife is unable to conceive, disabled or suffering from terminal illness.

Besides, in case of recent divorce, the applicant cannot apply for remarriage before six months. It should be noted that many women in Saudi are currently married and living a permanent life.

Reference: Middle East Online

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২০, ২০১৪ 12:30 pm

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