Categories: international news

War is increasing everywhere: 45 killed in US air strikes in Iraq

The Dhaka Times Desk All around is war and war. The war is not stopping. About 2,000 people have died in the last month's war in Palestine. Again, 45 people were killed in the US airstrike in Iraq.

It is said that war is not desirable for anyone, but even in today's age of modern knowledge and wisdom, people are engaged in war. The word 'mete hai' should be said for this reason, it is being done on purpose. As everyone knows the situation in Palestine. The war has started there because of the hegemonic attitude of Hamas and Israel. But how many people of Hamas and how many people of Israel are dying. Common people are dying. Those who do not understand the 'Y' of war, have to give their lives constantly.

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The war has started again in Iraq. US airstrikes in Iraq. According to media sources, 45 ISIS fighters were killed and 60 wounded. This information was given by CNN citing the central media of Iraq. The casualties occurred after the attack was carried out in the northern city of Sinjar on Friday. According to the Pentagon statement, two F/A-18 aircraft dropped this 500-pound laser-controlled bomb on the city of Erbil in northern Iraq.

According to BBC news, the United States launched this attack against the radical Islamist group Isis in Iraq on Friday afternoon Bangladesh time. The Pentagon said the airstrikes targeted ISIS heavy weapons near the northern Iraqi city of Erbil, near Kurdistan. Fighters from the Kurdish militia Peshmerga are fighting to defend the city of Erbil from ISIS.

No one wants war. But one war after another is going on in some part of the world. Israel has been carrying out brutal attacks on Palestine for the past month. About 2000 people including women and children lost their lives. After a three-day ceasefire, Israel has resumed attacks since yesterday. Israel continues to indiscriminately attack civilians in Gaza. Although many countries of the world are protesting against it, Israel is not giving a damn.

Attacking Iraq again in such an inhumane situation is making the world more upset. There is no other way but to move forward with the slogan of peace, not war. Everyone must be vocal to get out of this mess. The powerful nations of the world must come forward to stand against the war. Otherwise, one day the whole world will be destroyed in the chaos of war.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৯, ২০১৪ 1:41 pm

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