The Dhaka Times
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Pinak-6 is finally found after 6 days?

The Dhaka Times Desk Pinak-6 was finally found after long 6 days. The launch of the state-of-the-art rescue ship Survey-10 found a vessel within a kilometer of the sinking. It is believed to be the Pinak-6 that sank last Monday.


An hour ago today, the rescue ship Survey-10 detected a launch within one kilometer of the spot where Pinak-6 sank at Mawa Ghat. It is believed that this is the launch Pinak-6 that sank 6 days ago. Commander Manzoor, Chief Hydrographer of Chittagong Port confirmed this to the media.

Captain Nazrul Islam, coordinator of the rescue work, told the media that a diving team has already been dispatched to search. They are working to confirm if this is the launch ML Pinak-6 that sank 6 days ago.

He also said, from the images we have received through the instrument - we cannot be sure right now whether this is the sunken launch or not. He said, it will take some more time to confirm the matter. A related news media reported this.

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