The Dhaka Times
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WhatsApp and Viber are under fire from telecom operators

The Dhaka Times Desk WhatsApp is now a very popular social media. But in its popularity, telecom operators felt that they were losing and demanded specific compensation!


Applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, WeChat have gained immense popularity in India. As a result, telecom operators have claimed that they are losing. Mobile network regulatory body of India is the same with telecom operators! TRAI plans to collect money from applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, WeChat. NDTV has published a report on the matter.

Meanwhile, technology analysts say that if this happens, it will definitely hinder the initiative of technology entrepreneurs. They are saying that they are using applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, WeChat by paying a certain amount of data from public mobile operators, the government is also getting a certain VAT while buying all that data, but why are they thinking of taking VAT again? Or compensation? If this happens, it will be a gross irregularity. If the mobile operators take extra money, the public will use it or why?

Again, many people say that today's modern 3G, 2G has reduced the use of landphones, so have the mobile phone operators compensated the landphone companies?

It is precisely because of the arrival of applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, WeChat that the mobile phone companies have had a huge impact on their business, the customers are benefiting from it. However, there are allegations that mobile phone operators are still charging more than adequate profit as data packages.

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