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Free Android, Windows and iPhone app of The Dhaka Times

The Dhaka Times Desk The use of smartphones has increased a lot in our country, especially among the youth. More or less everyone is using applications (apps) on smartphones. The good news is that The Dhaka Times mobile app is now available for all operating systems including Android, Windows, iPhone.

The Dhaka Times Free Mobile App

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The Dhaka Times Currently the popular Purnanga lifestyle magazine of Bangladesh. The biggest news is The Dhaka Times The only Facebook verified magazine among Bangladeshi online magazines. Facebook has verified The Dhaka Times by considering the aesthetic discipline and content quality required by the readers in terms of sharing posts of The Dhaka Times. day by day The Dhaka Times As the number of readers is increasing The Dhaka Times Facebook fan page Number of followers 16 lakh 40 thousand Exceeds concurrent page views 5 crore and more. So many well wishers and followers The Dhaka Times Developed applications for all mobile clients to keep more updated with their content.

With the advancement of technology, the proliferation of mobile applications is increasing day by day. Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone with different operating systems. While browsing a page in the browser consumes a little more data and is slow, in the mobile app you can easily stay updated with any site, you can check the daily updates with just one click.

The Dhaka Times keeps you in mind Android, iOS and Windows Phone Created the app. You can easily download the app for your phone from the link below. Keeping the customers in mind, the app is very lightweight, Only 400KB, and data usage is also very low. The best thing is that the app uses very little data to load, and once loaded, every text is read within seconds.

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So why delay, download The Dhaka Times app now and enjoy numerous updates in numerous categories including technology, science, entertainment, tutorials, beauty tips, health advice.

This post was last modified on September 28, 2016 at 9:20 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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