The Dhaka Times Desk Most fishermen and avid anglers consider themselves lucky to catch an opah or moonfish in their lifetime. Because this fish is very rare in the world, besides, they live in the depths of the sea.
As beautiful as the moonfish looks, it is also rare to obtain. Although rare, three opah fish have recently been caught by anglers in southern California waters.
A San Diego-based organization recently organized group-based sportfishing. Angel Armando Casillo, Joe Ludlow and Travis Savaler's group caught three cut oranges between 124 and 180 pounds.
Opah is also known as moonfish. Fortunately with the tuna, one can catch this fish every now and then and if caught, one can be awarded the rare honor of catching this fish. But this time the incident is more rare because three fishermen have caught 3 huge size moon fish in their respective fishing nets at the same time!
Watch this rare fishing scene for yourself in the video below-
formula- Daily Mail
This post was last modified on জুন ২০, ২০২২ 3:25 pm
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