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Nokia 2000 phone battery charge will be 36 days!

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft Nokia's new phone Nokia-130 is coming to the market very soon. The price of the phone will be only 2 thousand rupees. The phone will last for 36 days on a single charge (Standby).


Details about this mobile have recently been revealed on Nokia's website. It has been said that this mobile has a long battery life and its price has been kept low keeping in mind the common users. This device supports multimedia and 2G simultaneously.

According to Nokia, if the user uses a SIM in this phone, it will have a continuous charge of 36 days and if the dual SIM is kept on at the same time, it will back up the battery for 26 days. But standby time in both cases.

All that is in this phone-

Basic Features- 1.8 inch screen 160x120 pixels resolution 1020 mAh battery 46 hours music playback time 16 hours video playback time 13 hours 2G talk time. This phone has in-built music and video player. There is also FM radio facility for the users.

Also for connectivity, there is USB 2.0 and 3.5mm audio jack. Micro SD card for 32 GB expandable memory. This phone also has features like Bluetooth 3.0.

There is no shortage of interest in Nokia phones, but currently, Nokia's Windz phone has been beaten by Android and iPhone in the smartphone market. As a result, Nokia is again trying to bring feature phones and low-cost phones with good features in the market.

formula- The Senate

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