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HSC 2014: Girls ahead in terms of pass: Boys in terms of GPA-5

The Dhaka Times Desk HSC Result 2014 has been released today. Girls are ahead in passing. On the other hand boys are ahead in obtaining GPA-5.


(Check HSC and equivalent exam results 2014 directly and through SMS here from)

HSC and equivalent exam results have been published today. This time the average pass rate is 78.33 percent. In terms of pass rate, girls are ahead this time. On the other hand boys are ahead in terms of getting GPA-5. Among girls this time 78.86 percent passed. On the other hand, the pass rate of boys is 77.86 percent.

Again boys got GPA-5 more than girls. 38 thousand 787 boys got GPA-5. On the other hand, 31 thousand 815 girls got GPA-5.

This time, the average pass rate in the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations is 78.33. And 70 thousand 602 students got total GPA-5.

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