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International market of mobile game industry will be created in Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk On Monday, people related to the mobile game industry of Bangladesh met in a discussion meeting titled 'Development of mobile game industry in Bangladesh' at the Basis auditorium of Karwan Bazar, Dhaka. Mobile games in Bangladesh and its industrial potential were discussed in the event.


The meeting was attended by hundreds of game makers besides representatives of various organizations involved in game development. Mayaz M Rahman, chief executive officer of smartphone game maker Patchas Game Studio, presented the keynote at the discussion meeting. In addition, Team Creative CEO Russell T Ahmed, AR Communication CEO M Asif Rahman, Massivstar Studio SM Mahbub Alam, MCC Chief Executive Officer Ashraf Abir, Voxlive Games founder Md. Adnan Islam, MM Hasan, founder of 143 Play Games, Asaduzzaman of spinoff studio, Iftekhar Russell of marketing department of Cadrolabs, Arifin, Chief Financial Officer of MobiApp, Mainur Hossain of Softwindtech, Tanveer Ahmed of ITIW and Country Engineering Consultant of Google Md Khan. Anwarus Salam, Manoj Prabhakar Shah.


Mayaz M Rahman, chief executive officer of Pacchas Game Studio, noted the potential of mobile games in the country and internationally, saying that more than 120 million people are active in games in the world. In 2014, the video game market will surpass $10 billion. Currently, the number of mobile game users is 96.6 million. 70 percent of the apps downloaded on mobile are games. 53 percent of smartphone users play games daily.

Mayaz M. Rahman also said that the potential of Bangladesh's game industry is bright, Bangladeshi developers have numerous examples of creating games at the international level, mobile games are not new in this country. Bangladesh also has a history of success in making games. But the problem is, so far the mobile game industry has not stopped. A database of games developed by Bangladeshi game makers needs to be created.

Later in the event, a one and a half hour question and answer session and discussion was held on the topic of making game industry. During this, developers and related parties discuss with each other about game development and its various issues and the problems of developing the game market and industry. Here the successes and failures of the country's entrepreneurs are discussed and how this potential industry of the country can be taken forward towards further development.


Everyone present at the event thinks that the game market is being created in Bangladesh. Big game industry can be developed here. Now need proper guidance. Necessary government sponsorship, game development and trading are also associated with money transactions. Gateway is required for online transactions in this case. In this context, it is said on behalf of Google, Google has no problem with online payment gateway. If the Bangladesh Bank or the government takes action in this regard, the problem in the app buying and selling can be eliminated.

At present, more than half of the citizens of the country are young people, so it is natural for the gaming industry and mobile gaming market to be created not only outside the country but also in our own country. There is no doubt that Bangladeshi-made games will soon dominate the international market as well as the domestic market, given technical and technological facilities along with proper patronage and proper guidance of talented developers in this sector.

Now let's know the people who are working in the development of the mobile game industry in the country.


Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) in short is Bangladesh Software Manufacturers and Developers Regulatory Body. It started its journey since 1997 and is still working successfully and contributing to the technology sector of the country. BASIS started out with only 17 members, but now has more than 800 members.

Hello Ventures

-Being a mobile game and software developer. Apart from creating apps with their own developers, they also manage to market and sell apps from different manufacturers on different marketplaces.

Mobile Monday

– Mo-mo for short. Momo is a non-profit organization, they work for free for anyone interested in the mobile industry. Their main task is cross-border marketing and coordination of international and domestic initiatives while providing input to domestic developers on international issues.

GDG Sonargaon

- They are the new Google developer group of Bangladesh. GDG Sonargaon is working hand in hand with professional developers. Their main task is to develop Android applications from the local level.

Apart from this, there are many organizations and private initiatives behind the advancement of the mobile game industry of today's country. The industry of making games on smartphones in Bangladesh is not long, in the last 3 to 4 years, almost all companies are trying to advance this industry with their own initiative. If everyone works together and if the government has special support for this industry, Bangladesh will soon stand tall with the game industry at the international level.

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