Categories: apps

Give your Android an iPhone look

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's report is for those of us who don't use iPhones but want to give our sets an iPhone look. If Android users also want, you can give your smartphone the interface of iOS 8.

Many people are tired of seeing their stock launcher and are tempted to see their friend's iPhone? No problem, I have brought you a launcher that can easily make your phone look like an iPhone, the iPhone's operating system, IOS8, looks great, but Android phone users will not get it. So for you, there is a launcher called iOS 8 Launcher HD Retina Theme that gives the look of iPhone in the Google Play Store!

The fun of this launcher is told later, first know what you need to do to use this launcher. First of all download this launcher from google play store. (Google Play Store Link) size is only 8 megabytes, yes according to its interface 8 megabytes is very less so you can use this launcher without leaving your phone.

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You need to use the iOS 8 launcher to do this. Since iOS 8 is not yet open to users, you can surprise your iPhone-using friends with it.

Check out everything related to the launcher in the video-

You will get a completely different experience in this awesome and attractive launcher. Its icons are simply stunning and aesthetic. It also has the facility to customize according to your own mind.

Also if you want you can use another launcher called OS8 Theme Google Play Store to install You have to download from It will also give your phone an iPhone interface. So why late? Download now and surprise your friends.

This post was last modified on September 3, 2014 2:19 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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