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Bangladesh is ahead of India-Pakistan in peace

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently Bangladesh is in a very peaceful location from India and Pakistan, the people here are living a much happier life than these two countries. The IEP index has been developed by evaluating 22 issues including violence, murder, weapons in the hands of people, internal conflicts, political instability in the society.

In a report of the international research organization Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), Bangladesh is a much happier country than its neighboring countries. The Institute for Economics and Peace, an international research organization, ranks countries around the world based on various indicators of peace. According to this report, Bangladesh is ahead of neighboring countries India, Pakistan and Afghanistan in terms of peace. However, Nepal and Bhutan are ahead of Bangladesh in this aspect. The Global Peace Index (GPI) shows this.

Meanwhile, a total of 162 countries have been listed in the GPI index. Bangladesh ranks 98th in this list. In this index prepared by the international research organization Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), the position of Bangladesh is evaluated as 'medium' category. But fortunately, Bangladesh is ahead of India and Pakistan, the two most influential countries in South Asia. Bangladesh is ahead of Afghanistan, another war-torn country.

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The IEP's list uses data from 2012, and assesses 22 factors including violence, murder, weapons in the hands of civilians, internal conflicts, and political unrest.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh ranks third among SAARC countries with a score of 2.106. Bhutan tops the peace index in South Asia (score 1.422). The country's position is 16. Next is Nepal, at 76th place. Pakistan is lagging behind in the index with 154th place. India ranks 143 and Sri Lanka ranks 105 in the index. All South Asian countries are here but Maldives is not included in this list.

Apart from Asian countries, Iceland ranks first in world peace, Denmark and Austria rank second and third.


This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৬, ২০১৪ 8:48 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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