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Google Moon Spots Alien Colony On Moon [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists are desperate to find aliens, some say there are aliens, some say there aren't. NASA is spending billions of dollars on this alien. This time, from the information taken from Google Moon, the presence of aliens is seen in our moon!

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A reader of the Ufology website comments that there are aliens in the moon! He made his claim from data taken from Google Moon. reader Scott Waring analyzed various data from Google Moon and found that there are aliens on the moon and there is also a huge colony of aliens. He found a strange structure from various data and uploaded a video about it on YouTube.

Human curiosity about aliens goes back a long way. People think there are aliens on the moon or in the solar system. But no one could ever provide any proof of that alien community. Meanwhile, Scott Waring gave the location of this "alien building" found on the moon as 19°43'02.81" N 20°30'52.97" E after various analyzes of Google Moon.

"There's a huge structure here," Waring said. At the back of this structure there are at least seven-eight right angles. And from the shadow that can be seen on the side of this structure, it is understood that there is a big place under it, there may be aliens. Who or who will build this structure on the moon if no one exists there? Meanwhile, he believes that the surrounding walls of the structure are protecting it from collapsing. It is not possible for humans to build such a structure on the moon. Therefore, the aliens have settled there, it is clear from the video.


What is Google Moon? Yes, like Google Street View and Google Maps, Google Moon is a Google accessory that provides various maps and charts of the moon. But all its information is several years old. Many analysts say much of what is seen on this map does not match what the moon is now. However, whether it is similar or not, this structure was on the moon at that time! So can Scott Waring Google Moon video to predict that there are aliens on the moon?

Watch this video uploaded on YouTube-

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