The Dhaka Times
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Language soldier Abdul Mateen's condition critical: shifted to PG hospital

The Dhaka Times Desk Bhasha Sainik Abdul Mateen, a pioneer of the Bayannar language movement, has been admitted to the hospital in a critical condition. Yesterday he was admitted to the city hospital of the capital. He is being taken to PG Hospital today.

Language Movement veteran Abdul Matin

Language soldier Abdul Mateen was admitted to the city hospital in the capital when he fell ill due to brain haemorrhage. He remains hospitalized as of writing this report at 9 am today. But in no time he will be shifted to PG hospital.

When contacted Mrs. Monica Matin, wife of language soldier Abdul Matin, told The Dhaka Times that his condition is not very good at present. His right side is paralyzed. The doctors told him that a blood clot appeared in the brain. For this he has to undergo an operation. However, if the condition improves a little, after 4/5 days, his brain will be operated. He said that he will be taken from City Hospital to PG Hospital shortly.

It is to be noted that language soldier Abdul Mateen was admitted to Lalmatia City Hospital yesterday when he suddenly suffered a brain stroke. He was undergoing treatment under Dr. Harunur Rashid.

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