Categories: special news

The story of one language Matin: the cost of treatment to whom it is difficult!

The Dhaka Times Desk Language soldier Abdul Mateen is now at a crossroads of life and death. It is impossible for him to get advanced medical care. Because he doesn't have that ability. A struggler of such great stature who spent his whole life in poverty.

Many may not be surprised to hear this. He was such a big soldier. Is he supposed to lack power and money? But he was. He has lived a lifetime in a small rental house. He spent most of his life in a small house in Jigatla. After a few years, he changed his residence and came to Mohammadpur.

He never had any lust for power in his life. And so many ministers rejected the proposal. Lived an ordinary life. Language soldier Abdul Mateen is with his wife Monika near his two daughters. Why such a genius lived such a simple life is a long story. Later, many more stories will be presented to you.

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The current situation is that when he fell ill, he was taken to the city hospital. It is not possible for his family to bear the cost of private management there. Later he was taken to PG Hospital yesterday. But his physical condition is so bad that doctors are afraid to operate on him. It is also difficult for him to bear the medical expenses.

However, the hospital authorities did not leave any shortage of treatment. Expert doctors of Sheikh Mujib Medical University are providing medical services to him by forming a medical board of 8 members. Dr. Head of Neurosurgeon Department. The medical board under Abdullah's supervision is monitoring him round the clock.

Bhasha Matin, who played a role in the language movement of Bayanna, is on his deathbed today. It is our moral duty to stand beside him. Abdul Mateen, the language soldier whom power and greed could never conquer, come back to us again - this is our prayer to the Creator in the form of words.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২০, ২০১৪ 11:48 am

Staff reporter

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