The Dhaka Times
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The car that runs on air, not fuel!

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists believe that 'Hydrogen Car' i.e. wind driven car is coming to the market, this car will become popular very quickly. It will use hydrogen as fuel, so no other gas or diesel will be used.


A company called 'Linde' has taken the initiative to build such cars, they are mainly experts in hydrogen production. "We've built cars that don't use any conventional fuel," says Linde. Hydrogen will be used in this car! That is, the wind is also possible? Yes possible, the inventors say this car has no smoke in its exhaust, just a trickle of water. The car makes almost no noise It can go 400 kilometers once the tank is full

Meanwhile, the cold war is going on between the world's superpowers, this war is mainly centered on the possession and reserves of mineral fuels! As a result, if any technology comes to the world that does not use any mineral fuel, the endless air of the world will be used! However, it will be possible to deal with the increased demand among people with fuel.


Currently, the price of this car is 60,000 euros, which is almost twice the price of a normal car. But in this case, you have to remember that even though the price of the car is a bit higher, in this case you are getting savings in terms of fuel. Although this car is not available in the market now, analysts believe that one day the demand for this car will exceed that of ordinary cars.

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