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Nancy revealed the mystery of 'suicide' after returning home!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various rumors have been heard since popular singer Nancy attempted suicide. Marriage comes up for many reasons. After returning home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, Nancy revealed the web of secrets!

Musician Nancy fell ill after consuming sleeping pills. He was first taken to a clinic in Netrakona and then to Mymensingh Medical College Hospital at night. On Sunday morning, he was taken to Dhaka Medical College and finally to LabAid Hospital in the capital. After being discharged from the hospital, Nancy went to her elder brother's house in Rampura on Tuesday afternoon. Later he spoke to the media on mobile phone.

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Why did you choose this path? In response to such a question, Nancy said, 'It was just an accident. Depression has been working on me for months for various reasons. That day I did such a thing in anger. In fact, I now understand that it was not right to do it.'

Talking about the disappointment, Nancy said, 'For the last 10 months, almost all my music shows were being canceled without any reason. When I asked the organizers, they claimed that tickets for my show are not sold. Can it ever be credible? At least I wouldn't believe it. Surely there was a big secret behind it.'

Nancy said, 'An artist's main income comes from stage shows. But in 10 months everything was going well for me, only the stage shows were getting cancelled. I could not sleep because of these frustrations. Due to increased insomnia, the doctor prescribed sleeping pills. My husband works in Mymensingh, I was in Dhaka with my two children for a few months for music. After Eid, I left the rented house in Moghbazar and went to my mother's house in Netrakona. I thought I would be a little better if I was among relatives. But the mental condition worsened.'

Regarding sleeping pills, Nancy said, 'I was taking sleeping pills for several months on the doctor's advice because I couldn't sleep. That's why there were two sheets of sleeping pills at home. I don't remember how many I stubbornly ate that afternoon. Then I got sick.

'I want to stick with music,' Nancy finally said. My one request to all, please, let me live. I want to live a healthy and beautiful life singing.'

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২০, ২০১৪ 3:21 pm

Staff reporter

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