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Sex with dead women: an American at the limit of humanity!

The Dhaka Times Desk An American hospital worker has done what he hates to write. He reaches the limit of inhumanity by having sex with dead women.

Sex with dead

The US hospital worker is on trial for the crime of having sex with a dead body. He admitted to the court that he had committed this crime with at least 100 bodies during his long tenure at the hospital's morgue.

According to a media report, the Appellate Division of the Federal Court has ordered the trial of 60-year-old Kenneth Douglas, the accused guard of a county hospital morgue in the state of Ohio.

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The news also said that Douglas worked the night shift at the hospital's mortuary in Hamilton County, Ohio from 1976 to 1992. While on guard, Douglas drunkenly confessed to having sex with the corpses of at least 100 women at different times.

The matter came to light after 3 bodies were severely mutilated. And then Douglas was accused. Then in 2012, some victims' families directly filed a case against him. Later, DNA tests on many corpses found evidence of Douglas's wrongdoing. Again, his wife testified against Douglas' illicit sex. He told the court that after returning home from work, he was also intoxicated and could experience symptoms of such incidents.

Court has started trial after this incident. All the evidence is with the court. Now only the trial begins and the verdict is awaited. It is the wish of all that such misdeeds should be severely punished. References: Daily News

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