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In addition to horses, other animals can ride!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have always seen people riding around on horseback, but apart from horses, there are many animals that can ride on their backs! You can't help but be surprised when you see the list of these animals. As surprising as it is, humans are not often seen on the backs of these animals.


1) Camel bird


Have you ever heard of people riding camels, or have you seen them? If you haven't seen it, watch it now. A camel bird is so much bigger than a person that people can ride on these birds without difficulty.

2) Rain deer


Reindeer is mainly an antelope, but it lives in winter. You will be surprised to see people riding on their backs. Because they are wild as well as unstable animals, if people get on their backs, they will charge you with lions and throw you away. But some people are invincible!

3) Zebra


Although zebras are different animals, they are a different breed of horse, although we don't usually see these animals carrying people, they can.

4) Camel

Arab people have been using camels for various purposes since ancient times, the main function of camels is to carry people in the desert, so camels are called ships of the desert.

5) Lion


All other animals ride on the back of the lion! Wasn't it a bit too much? Yes, exaggeration is the work of people! Riding on the back of a lion, the people cleared their situation again. The best creature created by man, the king of the forest, the lion is also bound to be a human vehicle!

6) Dolphin


Dolphins are animals that are most closely related to humans. They do not knowingly harm people. But you may be surprised when you see people walking on top of dolphins in the water or in the pool!

7) Elephant


People in Asia have seen many people riding elephants, but elephants are the strongest and largest of animals. Domesticating wild elephants is not an easy task, but people have been domesticating elephants since ancient times and have been riding on elephants for carrying war goods.

8) Tortoise


People on the back of the turtle! Everything else is possible but this is a little surprising. But yes there are cases of people riding on turtle pits too. Among the turtles, there are large tortoises that can be petted and ride on its back.

9) Giraffe


Giraffe is the tallest animal! People ride on the back of this giraffe! How! See for yourself in the image above.

10) Hippopotamus

Hippopotamus is one of the most feared animals in Africa. They range from killing humans to playing with crocodiles. Hippos are the terror of Africa because of their fierce temperament. Why do people in their area even if a small dinghy floats, they destroy it. But everything is possible for people! People can do many things if they want. Hippos are also forced to carry humans.

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