The Dhaka Times
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Three horns and three-eyed cow!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is a great burden to understand the Creator's game. Even outside of the rules, various incidents happen from time to time. The news of such an event is, three horns and three eyes cow!

Three Singh  & three eyes

The incident happened in Char Mazardiar area of Paba Upazila of Rajshahi. The bull came to Bulanpur area of the city last Wednesday morning. Getting off the boat, everyone's eyes! And so the crowd of eager people gathered around the bull. Everyone was surprised to see the bull. The reason is that the bull has three horns and three eyes on its head.

At first no one could believe the incident. But everyone was shocked to see the reality. The owner of the bull is Asar Ali. Due to the crowd of people, the bull got really angry. Asar Ali had to struggle to stop the bull.

Asar Ali said, the age of the bull is 4 years now. As the bull matures, two horns naturally appear. After that, changes started gradually. Between the two horns of the bull, another horn grows. At the same time, another eye appeared on the forehead. But the forehead eye is very small.

The process of giving that bull to Rajshahi Shaheed AHM Kamruzzaman Central Park is underway. Asar Ali said that talks are going on with the Rajshahi City Corporation.

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