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Horrible sex monster! 'The Saville Story'

The Dhaka Times Desk A British police investigation has revealed details of the late BBC star Jimmy Savile's gruesome sex crimes. Even an 8-year-old child was not spared from his sexual abuse. Homosexual British police have released a report detailing Jimmy Savile's sex crimes.
Savil Rapid
At a time when the world is concerned about sexual harassment, such a news has shocked the world. According to various news agencies citing the police, the famous BBC presenter, known as Darling, was a 'predatory sex offender' who was indiscriminate when it came to catching his victims. He also abused his 8-year-old daughter without hesitation. He used to visit hospitals to satisfy his sexual desire; Even the fatherless children of the orphanage were not spared from his lust!

British police also said he used his celebrity identity to hide his sexuality. Police said that he should have been punished for life. Apart from this, the British police are currently looking into how such cannibals are committing sexual crimes by learning from this incident. British police investigated Jimmy's sex crimes spanning nearly 50 years from 1955 to 2009. Police found evidence of sex crime organization against him in 13 hospitals and orphanages. Police in 28 areas recorded 214 allegations of sexual offenses against Jimmy Saville. Of these, 34 are rape allegations. British police consider it the worst sex crime of the century.

It should be noted that the world-famous media BBC was heavily criticized for this sexual crime of Saville. The news agency was accused of investigating Savile's child abuse by reporters on its Newsnight programme. But the authorities did not publish the report based on their findings. Rather, it disseminates reports about his illustrious biography. Who is now regarded as Britain's biggest sex offender. Jimmy Savile is alleged to have sexually abused around 300 children and young women while working for the BBC. Some of which happened inside the BBC. After the publication of the report, British Prime Minister David Cameron expressed concern and said that these allegations should be properly investigated.

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