The Dhaka Times
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A wonderful car was invented in Bogra with indigenous technology: it will run without oil and gas! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk You must be surprised if you hear that the car will run without oil and gas. But the story is true. Amir Hossain of Bogra has invented such a wonderful car that will run at 80 km without oil and gas!

wonderful car

A mechanic from Bogra, Amir Hossain, has hit the shelves by inventing a car that runs without oil and gas. Some models of this eco-friendly car are already plying in Bogra and Sylhet cities. Amir Hussain invented electric turbine system car. Named 'Raf-Raf Tahiya', which literally means 'beautiful and fastest vehicle'.

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Due to the gradual increase in fuel prices and environmental pollution, he has been thinking for a long time how to create a vehicle that saves fuel and prevents air pollution. Today's result is the result of his long planning. Amir Hossain was completely successful in 2012 after a year of trying. His invented 5-seater 250 kg car does not need oil-mobil-gas to run. The eco-friendly car can also travel with passengers at a maximum speed of 80 km per hour. The car will cost only 8 taka to come and go from Bogra to Dhaka. The special feature of the car is the simple battery charge. But while the car is running, the battery will be charged at the same time. All in all, it will run for 25 taka for full eight hours.

Watch the car video

The vehicle is powered by a 60 volt electric turbine motor. The motor runs through a 1½ by 2 inch carbon. After running continuously for 8 hours, this carbon decays. Then it has to be changed and a new one installed. And so you have to spend very little money. It takes only 2 minutes to change again. The price of this carbon is only 25 rupees. The car is called an eco-friendly car because it is smokeless.

Amir Hussain and his amazing car 'Rof-Rof Tahiya'

The car is also very easy to drive. When autopush is pressed, the gear wheel starts rotating. Then the wheels attached to it gain speed. Then the speed has to be controlled with accelerator and brake. There is also a monitor in front of the driver. This monitor shows the vehicle speed and other information. There is a dynamo controlled battery to supply power to the various electronic lines of the vehicle. Headlights, backlights and brakelights also get power from this battery. As 'Rough-Rough Tahiya' does not have complex engineering functions like conventional automobiles, it is risk-free. Again, there is no risk of accidents due to mechanical reasons.

Currently this car is made in 3 models. Among them two cars and one bus. Now 6 'Rough-Rough Tahiya' are running in Bogra and Sylhet. Conventional 5-seater foreign cars cost at least 10 lakhs. But buying 'Rough-Rough Tahiya' will cost only 2 to 2.5 lakh taka.

People like Amir Hussain have proved that modern and stylish cars can be made even in Mofswal, Bangladesh. But with effort comes patronage. The common people of the country can also buy this 'Rough-Rough Tahiya' car of Amir Hossain if they get government sponsorship. What is this or less for the income?

Amir Hossain is now working on a 4 cylinder 450 cc CNG motorcycle. Stating the lack of government support, Amir told reporters, 'Despite this innovation, the bank is not supporting him. If you get cooperation, you can show the country - we Bengalis can do it too. We have talent, we can do many things with hard work.' He sought government approval and support for the vehicle.

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